Retro console arcade & video club

what is marsapalooza exactly?
Marsapalooza is an interactive, popup retro console arcade and video club based in Baltimore, Maryland. Since 2015 has been specializing in unique and fun games, tournaments & challenges, custom arcade setups and home brews, and chances to play on some of the most rare/forgotten home consoles.
Marsapalooza has gaming events for all-age groups. Some events are age-specific depending on the venue and geared but not limited to the video game community, cosplay community, musicians, artists, and competitive gamers.​
where can i attend events?
Marsapalooza events are held at various venues year round in Baltimore proper on a monthly basis. Some events are seasonal or one-off events, but looking to change that soon :) ​​
View the current location list HERE​
what can i expect at these events?
Mars.a.palooza provides an escape from reality for many with the combination of classic video games, retro commercials/movie clips, and a combination of Vaporwave, Synthwave, Funk, & future pop music. Helping to bring back memories from your youth and be able to bridge the gap between people of all generations and uplift the people around you as well as yourself through means of classic gaming and TV.
Marsapalooza unofficially started in 2009 as a nerd/JPOP/cybergoth dance party and centered around selling MARSLOX hair extensions, which began in 2006. It was then rebranded and changed to Marsapalooza: Arcade as the vision of the dance party shifted towards the interest in a video game party with the influence of the known gaming festival MAGfest in 2011.
View the official timeline of Marsapalooza HERE!​
upcoming goals
Hosting its 1st ever 2 day event and having it twice a year
Grow and strengthen the Baltimore gaming & streaming community
Join in and partner with more local festivals
Look at perhaps a weekly event opportunity ✅